How to live life offline: a guide

Every day we waste precious time chained to screens and consuming online content. People often wonder: How to live a life offline? How nice would it be to live free of social media, endless scrolling, streaming videos, endless video games, and other online content. Especially on smartphones because we carry them everywhere. Nowadays, many people struggle with being addicted to screens and want a change in their life. They want more time to spend offline with their loved ones, outside and get new experiences in real life. Read this guide to get tips on replacing online life with the offline one.

Ditch the smartphone

You can get a basic phone with only calls and texts. Or you can also get a simple phone that can only text and call. It won’t have Internet access, but people can still contact you if urgent.

You can also get a dumbphone with an Internet connection. But the screen should be small. It will be difficult to use a dumbphone with a small screen for a longer time span. The dumbphone may also have other features like e-mail, navigation, WhatsApp or Spotify and listening to music. 

If you can’t live without a smartphone, get one with a small screen. Your smartphone is less fun to use with a small screen. Also, maybe get an older model that doesn’t have advanced technical specifications like newer smartphones. This phone will also have a less smooth user experience. You will be less likely to use it for fun. 2 GB of RAM and no latest processor are what you should search for.

If you need to use a smartphone, create boundaries around it

Keep the smartphone in your car, office, or other places where it won’t be available. You can also tell others that you will check your smartphone only a few times every day. In that way, they will know what to expect if they send you something. You can also get another basic phone for people to contact you if urgent. This phone should only support texting/calls and no Internet access. Learn more about why is it useful to get another phone to curb smartphone addiction.

Get rid of the Internet

Good advice on how to get rid of the Internet is to get rid of a home connection. Instead, get a small data plan on your phone or tablet that is only enough for essentials: paying bills, searching basic info, mobile banking, emails and other things. If you need unlimited Internet, use Hotspots and Internet at coffee shops or restaurants.

Use a computer instead of a smartphone

Use a computer instead of a smartphone to go online (if you really need to). It can be either a laptop or a desk computer. If you get rid of your home Internet connection, use your small data plan on a phone or tablet as a home connection. You can use your computer and phone/tablet as a Hotspot to connect to the Internet. Small data plans will force you to use the Internet for only necessary things. You will resist the temptation of mindless surfing easier with a computer.

Also, desk computers and laptops can be bulky and sometimes in only one spot in the house. They also take time to power on, unlike smartphones. Smartphones are on all the time. Because of this, computers will be less convenient to use when bored.

Only use the Internet at work if possible

Some people work in jobs where they can use the Internet for personal stuff. You can then get rid of electronic devices and the Internet at home. And then use the Internet and electronic devices to pay bills, do banking, answer emails and other personal stuff at work.

Get rid of social media

Delete your Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, Instagram and other social media. Remove your Netflix and Spotify subscriptions. Get rid of absolutely all the fun online. This may make you feel anxious, but it’s one of the more drastic steps to live a life offline. To connect with people in your life, you can just call them. Or simply reduce your social media usage to only necessary things, like contacting people you know.

Find new hobbies and interests

Yes, you may want to use your time offline for productive things. But it’s also important to fill your time with fun activities too. If you spend time on fun offline activities, this will strengthen your decision to continue living offline.

Some ideas for fun activities are spending time with your loved ones, meeting other people, involving yourself in a course, doing amateur sports, volunteering or involving yourself with local organisations, travelling, field trips to nearby nature or historical sport, learning a new skill, cleaning the parks around you and more.

It’s even better if you involve yourself in some kind of weekly activity where you are obligated to appear. In this way, you will spend less time online, and see the benefit of offline activities.

Replace your smartphone with other devices and habits

Instead of a smartphone, use a more basic phone for communication. Rely more on calling and text messages to communicate with others, instead of social media and Whatsapp. If people want to talk to you, they will call you. If you want to talk to them, you will call. If you want to keep in touch with others, you will find a way. When people want to send you files, you can ask them to email them to you. People can also send you text messages to chat with you.